50 Years Friendship between China and Australia: Australian...

a prize in Australian journalism. His TV programs focus on folk cultures, wild animals and tourism, among other topics, in various regions of the world. In the 1980s, Grain...

【Editorial Cartoon】It is a “good example” set by the BBC which plans ahead. The Guardian has recently reported that the BBC has prepared secret scripts that could be re...

枸杞dog up 淡水湖 egg water lake 很多同学表示 听力考验的是演技 翻译考验的是脑洞 …… 第一波 当出现那些让人懵的地名、景点 就在那一刻 祖国的大好河山 “让人觉得不再美丽了” 对...

While driving from Chengdu to Ya'an, you can see pandas appear on both sides of the road to greet the passing vehicles. The instantly recognizable images are doing their jo...

《Some Thoughts on“The 996 Work Schedule”》徐州一中夹河街校区高二(6)班学生李奕名的作文作为江苏省唯一一篇入选文章,登上《环球时报》。网站截图此前,李奕名该篇作文已在2019中学生英语创新测评中获得了A级的好成绩。是不是很羡慕这么好的英语成绩赶...

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